In order to trigger naturally driven healing process , the following foods need to be excluded from diet:
Food combining rules for better digestion
Rule 1:Place highest protein foods at the beginning g of the meal. Generally, the high protein foods are animal products, legumes, nuts, seeds.
Rule 2:The salty foods should be eaten before foods of other flavors. Salty foods will activate and encourage digestion.
Rule 3:Proteins, Fats and Starches combine best with green and non-starchy vegetables. Non-starchy vegetables are the good addition to any meal containing animal proteins or vegetarian type of meal. If bean and grain meals are consumed, the ratio 1:3 is advisable for better digestion.
In any meal protein foods are the most difficult to digest completely. Excess of fat slows the digestion even more. Best to minimize consumption of fat, especially in the protein rich meals.
Rule 4:Fruit and sweetened foods should be eaten alone, or in small amounts and at the end of the meal. When eaten with the meal they digest very fast and ferment disturbing efficient digestion of other ingredients.
Rule 5: Slow and mindful eating, good chewing and mixing with saliva helps to improve digestive efficiency.
Rule 6: Cold water or other fluids should never be drunk before or during the meals, as they dilute the digestive enzymes and make it more difficult to break down the nutrients. They also cool down the temperature in the digestive tract slowing digestion. Small amount of warm fluids is a better choice, water can be drank 1 hour or more after the meal and in-between meals.
Sweet Bell Pepper
It is important to choose organically grown produce from the above list to minimize pesticides intake from foods.
source: Environmental Working Group,
Produce typically Low in pesticide residue:
Onion, sweet corn, pineapple, avocado, asparagus, sweet peas, mango, papayas, eggplant, domestic cantaloupes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli.
GMO foods avoidance:
Corn and corn derived ingredients: 90% of corn in USA is GMO
Soybean: 93% is GMO
Sugar: sugar beets 95% are GMO
Vegetable oils: (canola, soybean, corn oil)
Papaya: 75% of Hawaii papaya is GMO
Zucchini and yellow squash, FEW varieties are GMO
Sweet corn: FEW varieties
Apples: NEW variety of “arctic” apples that do not turn brown
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinion research and experience of Dr. Simon. The information on this website is not intended to replace a personal relationship with a licensed health care profession and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of information that will empower you to make optimal health care decisions based on your knowledge and partnership with your healthcare practitioner. In you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a chronic medical illness, consult with your healthcare practitioner before implementing information from this website. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, unchanged content without specific permission, when used only in a not-or-profit purpose. If any other use is intended, permission in writing from Dr. Bozena Simon is required.
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